GIMP cliche signature tutorial
How to make a common, cliche signature.
Check out my new website, where I will make some tutorials exclusive. (Don't worry, I will still submit 1 a week to youtube)
Please, I need Ideas for future tutorials. Submit them in my help requests wanted video!
Animated Signature Tutorial in GIMP Part 1
How to make an Animated Signature with gimp
Some credit goes to Xgeous for the cold text, though the border was my idea. The URL for his video is here.
Thanks to everyone who subbed, sent me messages, and commented. Look for part 2!
GIMP tutorial: Animated Water
This is my last tutorial for around 2 weeks because I am going on vacation. I will try to update my videos and answer comments still, but I won't be able to upload videos. I'm not sure why the water is Jerky in the video, it was smooth when I was viewing it...
I learned this technique from mikethedj. One of my few copied tutorials, admittedly, but the more people that know about the better. I already have spoken to him, and he says he is fine with it.