Gimp Tutorial: Metallic text.
How to make a Metallic text with gimp.
I got the technique from here:
I dont want ANYONE saying I steal tutorials.
I'm back, and (hopefully) better than ever after a serious rootkit trojan attack. I had to wipe and reinstall windows.Not fun. Well anyway, here is my tutorial (really penguinpetes, I just put it into a video) for the week.
Thanks for bearing with my incredibly high voice for a 13 yr.
Gimp 2.6 Interface
Sorry for repeating things alot. I'm too excited about 2.6. Yeah, I'm a Geek like that. Sorry if my voice makes your ears bleed, nothing I can do about that. I was so excited, I forgot to splice my intro. Oh well.
Ice Button Tutorial with GIMP
How to make an ice button with gimp.
First off, I made this with movie maker, and that makes my program makes my voice sound nasal. (Really badly). If any of you guys have a program that would allow me to put that krownsoft short into the movie before the actuall tut, that would be great. (I tried Vegas, but that file ended up as 8 gigs...)
Here is the link I promised:
Thanks for watching, please rate, sub, and comment.
KrownSoft Title (Formerly Lead in to tutorials) V2.
I've gotten better at Vegas, and so I now have made my second lead in...Its WAAAAAAY better.
The logo is for my site:
and will be featured in front of all featured tutorials
GIMP Tutorial: Realistic flame V2
Another tutorial on how to make realistic flame
An updated flame tutorial.
This website is dead and gone
Taken from /tutorial/Very-realistic-fire-267.html and converted into a video form + Tweaks and other stuff. I do NOT steal tutorials.