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Posted by : mmmarzio

Real English Lesson 8d-Dates CC Double
Begiiner practice with numbers: Dates Real English English as a Second Language: Videos for Students and Teachers

Category : English
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Posted by : mmmarzio

Real English Lesson 8c How old -CC Double
Number practice for beginners with "How old are you?" Note: A "CC Double" video is composed of two parts: 1 - The regular video, followed by 2 - The same video with subtitles. Real English English as a Second Language: Videos for Students and Teachers

Category : English
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Posted by : mmmarzio

Real English Lesson 8a-8b Cardinal&OrdinalNumbers
The 2 types of numbers - for beginners Real English English as a Second Language: Videos for Students and Teachers

Category : English
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Posted by : mmmarzio

Real English Lesson 7 (Zodiac) - CC Double
Astrological sign for beginners. This is a "CC Double" - A "CC Double" video is composed of two parts: 1 - The regular video, followed by 2 - The same video with subtitles. Students of English: To improve your pronunciation, watch the version WITHOUT subtitles before reading the subtitled versions! Listen several times before reading. Real English English as a Second Language: Videos for Students and Teachers

Category : English
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Posted by : mmmarzio

Real English Lesson 6 (Introductions)
Beginner clip on Introducing yourself and introducing other people. The same video with subtitles is also available. Students of English: To improve your pronunciation, watch the version WITHOUT subtitles before reading the subtitled versions! Listen several times before reading. Real English English as a Second Language: Videos for Students and Teachers

Category : English
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