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Posted by : mmmarzio

Real English - Lesson 17 - The Italians
What are the Italians like? For intermediate students.

Category : English
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Posted by : mmmarzio

Real English Lesson 16a - CC (subtitled) The French - Long
The long version with subtitles of "What are the French like?" for Intermediate students. The version WITHOUT subtitles is here: Students of English: To improve your pronunciation, always study the version WITHOUT subtitles before reading the subtitled versions!

Category : English
Rating :

Posted by : mmmarzio

Real English Lesson 16a - The French - Long Version
"What are the French like?" - long version for intermediate students. The subtitled version is here: The short version of this clip has limited grammatical content, designed for beginners and pre-intermediates. The short version is here:

Category : English
Rating :

Posted by : mmmarzio

Real English Lesson 15 - Can - CC (subtitled)
"What can you do?" with subtitles, for Beginners. The version WITHOUT subtitles is here: Students of English: To improve your pronunciation, always study the version WITHOUT subtitles before reading the subtitled versions!

Category : English
Rating :

Posted by : mmmarzio

Real English Lesson 15 - Can (What can you do?)
Regular Version without subtitles of "What can you do?" for Beginners. This video actually contains 3 separate clips concerning what people CAN and CAN NOT do. The version WITH subtitles is here:

Category : English
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