Photoshop Tutorial: "Change Background"
Difficulty: 5 Moderate
The key to this project is correct usage or layers. Don't worry, Photoshop takes a while to learn and I'll admit it has been frustrating at times. But don't worry, you'll get it. Feel free to ask if you don't.
****NEW**** will have threaded discussions and FAQ to make it easier to learn and teach.
*Disable your original layer after you duplicate it at the begining of this tutorial.
*Remember the layer you are removing the background from is y
Photoshop Tutorial: Panoramic
Difficulty: 3 Medium low
Step by step on how to make a panoramic scene using photoshop CS3 and a couple of picture you've taken. Sorry Photoshop CS3 only.
How to hairstyles: Proper Flat Iron using a Sedu by
Directed by:
Michael McGowen
Produced by:
Tiana Griego
Camera Operators:
Michael McGowen, Michael Weis, Carl Stewart and Chris Johnson
Original Music By:
David Lawrence
Photography by:
Del Ihle, Jim White, Von Miller and Rocco Gaglioti
Hair Styles by:
The Team at Studio Girault; Jr Robinson, Migael Schieder, Kelli Durrant and Kristen Davis
Makeup By: Tiana Griego and Nicole Pace
Visual Design By: Mat Helme
Amanda Dennis
Anastasiya Shevchenko
Annie Rule
How to hairstyles: Jackie O Bangs hairstyle by
Directed by:
Michael McGowen
Produced by:
Tiana Griego
Camera Operators:
Michael McGowen, Michael Weis, Carl Stewart and Chris Johnson
Original Music By:
David Lawrence
Photography by:
Del Ihle, Jim White, Von Miller and Rocco Gaglioti
Hair Styles by:
The Team at Studio Girault; Jr Robinson, Migael Schieder, Kelli Durrant and Kristen Davis
Makeup By: Tiana Griego and Nicole Pace
Visual Design By: Mat Helme
Amanda Dennis
Anastasiya Shevchenko
Annie Rule
Roller set placement by
How to set rollers
Directed by:
Michael McGowen
Produced by:
Tiana Griego
Camera Operators:
Michael McGowen, Michael Weis, Carl Stewart and Chris Johnson
Original Music By:
David Lawrence
Photography by:
Del Ihle, Jim White, Von Miller and Rocco Gaglioti
Hair Styles by:
The Team at Studio Girault; Jr Robinson, Migael Schieder, Kelli Durrant and Kristen Davis
Makeup By: Tiana Griego and Nicole Pace
Visual Design By: Mat Helme
Amanda Dennis
Anastasiya Sh