Skin airbrushing - GIMP and Selective Gaussian Blur
A short lesson about photomanipulation: skin airbrushing with GIMP and Selective Gaussian Blur.
Use Quick Mask to select the skin (without hair, eyes or teeth) and apply the filter.
De-emphasize the background with GIMP using blur
A short lesson about photomanipulation: de-emphasize the background with blur.
Use Quick Mask to select the background and apply a slight blur filter.
Enhance photos: Blur Overlay with GIMP
A short lesson about photomanipulation with GIMP: Blur Overlay.
Make a copy, blur and lighten it and then apply as overlay.
Smooth skin with healing brush in GIMP 2.4
A short lesson about photo manipulation: smooth skin with GIMP 2.4.
Use the Healing Tool, set the source area with the Ctrl key pressed and paint over the destination.
Photoshop Tutorial: Portrait Glow Effect
Difficulty: 2
Short to the point tutorial on an effect created with blur and curves. Enjoy.
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