Real English Lesson 16a - The French - Long Version
"What are the French like?" - long version for intermediate students.
The subtitled version is here:
Real English Topical Clip I - 66 - Dorothy
Real English Topical video H (66)
Real English video is divided into 2 main categories:
1 - Lesson videos based on grammar structures (the majority of Real English videos)
Real English Lesson 11 Long Version - Are You Married
This is the long version of "Are you married?" for Intermediate Students. The Short version is for beginners.
This is the regular version. If you want to watch the LONG version WITH SUBTITLES, please go here:
Real English 43 introduction-to-DID Marty and daughter)
The first in a series of Real English videos dealing with the simple past tense with "did"
A very short video starring Marty and her daughter Ashley, from the state of Kentucky, USA
Real English