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Posted by : cookingwithalia

The Best Orange Juice in the World - Marrakech, Morocco
Discovering jamaa-el-fna in Marrakech and drinking an orange juice from one of the stalls.

Added : 15 years ago | Duration: 02:13
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Posted by : sousoukitchen

Stuffed Hercha / Hercha Farci
It's Moroccan semolina bread, you can leave it plain or stuff it with different garnish, like ground meat, chicken. This one is stuffed with cheese and black olives. / C'est un pain de semoule, vous pouvez le manger comme çà ou le farcir avec différentes garnitures comme viande hachée ou poulet. Cette harcha est farcie avec du fromage et olives noirs.

Added : 15 years ago | Duration: 04:16
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Posted by : cookingwithalia

Harira - Moroccan Ramadan Soup Recipe -
How to make Harira, a Moroccan traditional soup especially made in Ramadan.

Added : 15 years ago | Duration: 05:21
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Posted by : cookingwithalia

Moroccan Preserved Lemons
How to make an indispensable ingredient for Moroccan cuisine: Preserved Lemons. They can be used in many recipes including tajines and salads.

Added : 15 years ago | Duration: 03:41
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Posted by : cookingwithalia

Zaalouk - Moroccan Eggplant Salad
How to make the famous Moroccan eggplant salad called Zaalouk. This salad is served with bread and can be eaten either hot or cold. Enjoy!

Added : 15 years ago | Duration: 03:35
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