Self-Defense - Karate Punch Blocking "Uchi Uke" Human Weapon: This video tutorial shows you how to do a Karate Style Punch Block, This Move is called the ' Uchi Uke ' (outside mid-level block)
Self-Defense - Judo - Okuri eri jime Human Weapon: This video tutorial shows you how to do an Okuri eri jime. Okuri-Eri-Jime (送襟絞) is one of the twelve constriction techniques of Kodokan Judo in the Shime-waza list.
Human Weapon:
This video tutorial shows you how to the Armbar trick.
Sometimes called a straight armbar, it is a joint lock that hyperextends the elbow joint. It is typically applied by placing the opponent's extended arm at the elbow over a fulcrum such as an arm, leg or hip, and controlling the opponent's body while leveraging the arm over the fulcrum