How to make apple's signature gloss
How to make a gloss effect, like apple has on their products such as the iPod and iPhone. Sorry I haven't been active for a few weeks, I now have a video that has over 4000 views, thanks youtube!
How to change the look of your GIMP
This is a video on how to change the look of your gimp. It is a simple application.
Sorry for the long loading times...
Runescapefanx asked me to tell you that he no longer plays RuneScape, he just kept the account.
This allows you to customize your user interface of the GIMP.
How to make a Web Layout in GIMP
Well some people were wondering how to make a static web layout in GIMP. I've had numerous requests, so here it is: enjoy.
Gimp Tutorial: Metallic text.
How to make a Metallic text with gimp.
I got the technique from here:
I dont want ANYONE saying I steal tutorials.
I'm back, and (hopefully) better than ever after a serious rootkit trojan attack. I had to wipe and reinstall windows.Not fun. Well anyway, here is my tutorial (really penguinpetes, I just put it into a video) for the week.
Thanks for bearing with my incredibly high voice for a 13 yr.