GIMP cliche signature tutorial
How to make a common, cliche signature.
Check out my new website, where I will make some tutorials exclusive. (Don't worry, I will still submit 1 a week to youtube)
Please, I need Ideas for future tutorials. Submit them in my help requests wanted video!
GIMP tutorial: Make an Exploding Planet
How to make a nice exploding planet with Gimp.
Thank you for commenting, rating and subbing, I really appriciate it. This is Krome727's request. I learned this technique from
mikethedj4 brought it to my attention that he did this tutorial for photoshop first. Sorry mike, I was not aware.
His channel can be found here: where you can find the photoshop tutorial:
I learned this technique from here:
How to draw and paint environmental concept Magma Fall
How to draw and paint environmental concept quick study background, landscape: MagmaFall. Environmental Scene quick environmental illustration speed-painting concept digital painting video demo game, comics, and manga (or just for pure pleasure of doing it). This step by step video show you from lay down the base color, blocking in shape for painting to create under-painting then assigning value and color composition, and refining detail for the final concept painting. Als
Photoshop tablet and pen (WACOM) set up basic tutorial
This video tutorial show you how to setting up your brush pen and tablet in Wacom Photoshop to increase workflow and keyboard shortcuts, hotkeys for artist, drawing, and painting. If you are using photoshop for digital illustration, manga, anime and comics then watch the tutorial.
More info: