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Posted by : mmmarzio

Real English Lesson 24a Do (job) CC-Double
What do you do? What's your job? The version for real beginners is here: This is a "CC Double" - A "CC Double" video is composed of two parts: 1 - The regular video, followed by 2 - The same video with subtitles. Students of English: To improve your pronunciation, always study the version WITHOUT subtitles before reading the subtitled versions!

Category : English
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Posted by : mmmarzio

Real English Lesson 23b - Got (SHORT Version) CC Double
"Have" = "got" = "have got" in the USA and in the UK. What have you got...? short version, CC double. For even more practice with this structure, see the long version here: Note: "Have" = "got" = "have got" in the USA and in the UK! Also interesting to note that the interviewer often asks the cameraman "Got it?". What does he mean? This is a "CC Double" - A "CC Double" video is composed of two parts: 1 - The regular video, followed by 2 - The same v

Category : English
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Posted by : mmmarzio

Real English - Lesson 23a - Got (LONG Version)
Got = have got = have! The short version with subtitles is here:

Category : English
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Posted by : mmmarzio

Real English Lesson 22 - Continental Airlines(DO)- CC Double
What is the difference between "What do you do?" and "What are you doing?" This very short video shows that sometimes they are used to mean the same thing, but there is an important distinction. To simplify, "Doing" is NOW, and "Do" is every day. This is a "CC Double" - A "CC Double" video is composed of two parts: 1 - The regular video, followed by 2 - The same video with subtitles. Students of English: To improve your pronunciation, always study the version WITHOUT subtitles before readin

Category : English
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Posted by : mmmarzio

Real English Lesson 21 - Introduction to DO - CC Double
A short video introducing "do" and "does" for the present simple. Level: pre-intermediate This is a CC Double. Note: A "CC Double" video is composed of two parts: 1 - The regular video, followed by 2 - The same video with subtitles. Students of English: To improve your pronunciation, watch and listen to the version WITHOUT subtitles several times before reading the subtitled versions!

Category : English
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