Drawing JIN TAI (Special request)
All right this is me drawing a fanfic for a really good friend of mine - OCHIBI and her friend :P
If you dont like it... SO WHAT lol ;) kiddin'! Enjoy! (This character isn't a COPY from ANY wallpaper or image)
Drawing Ichimaru Gin (Bleach)
Aight here's some more of my fanart drawing... This time it's Ichimaru Gin from Bleach anime... Dare to comment, please! The song is Kaggra's "Soi"...
Drawing Grimmjow Jaggerjack (Bleach)
This is me drawing Grimmjow Jaggerjack from Bleach anime/manga... it took me approximatelly 8,45 minutes to do it, but since I speeded up the movie, its 4,something. Enjoy