Real English Topical Clip K (69b) Achieve! Part 2/2
Real English video is divided into 2 main categories:
1 - Lesson videos based on grammar structures (the majority of Real English videos)
2 - Topical videos based on themes
This topical video hit a nerve.
Level: Upper intermediate and Advanced
Real English
English as a Second Language: Videos for Students and Teachers
Real English Topical Clip J (69a) Achieve! - Part 1/2
What do you hope to achieve before you die? Part 1 of 2
Real English Topical video J (69a)
Real English video is divided into 2 main categories:
1 - Lesson videos based on grammar structures (the majority of Real English videos)
2 - Topical videos based on themes
This topical video goes to the heart as you can see in the interviewee's reactions.
Real English
English as a Second Language: Videos for Students and Teachers
Real English 43 introduction-to-DID Marty and daughter)
The first in a series of Real English videos dealing with the simple past tense with "did"
A very short video starring Marty and her daughter Ashley, from the state of Kentucky, USA
Real English
English as a Second Language: Videos for Students and Teachers
Real English Lesson 30 - Like to do - part 2
Carlos made a comment about this video
and I answered:
Hi! Glad you like it. I'm also glad that you chose this long video for making a comment.
My favorite part of this video is at 4:25 when Blaise, the interviewer, asks Mark to spell his name. It goes like this:
"Interviewer: What is your name, sir?
Mark: Mark.
Interviewer: Mark what?
Mark: Mark Lipton.
Interviewer: How do you spell your last name?
Mark: Like soup. L - I - P - T - O - N.