Learn to draw man BODY torso superhero type
Learn to draw man BODY torso superhero type. Drawing and sketching tutorial of male anatomy body, man torso or upper body, chest, abs, ribcage and shoulder: front view character design, comics, manga, anime and video game concept art. Learn how to draw simplify torso and upper body using geometric shape for Manga Anime comics: Step by Step video tutorial explain.
Learn to draw and paint robot Mecha style
Learn to draw and paint robot Mecha style. How to draw and color video and step. by step hoover craft assault droid, Mech or Mecha Giant Robot. Rough sketching to finish rendering how to get you idea into an actual image, drawing, blocking in shape, background and rendering.
Photoshop Tutorial Basic walk thru for Artist Digital painting
Here is a Basic Photoshop tutorial for artist: Photoshop Tutorial, Basic Photoshop walk around for artists and using photoshop as a painting tool. As you request, this video tutorial show you how to work around Photoshop to increase workflow and keyboard shortcuts, hotkeys for artist, drawing, and painting. If you are using photoshop for digital illustration, manga, anime and comics then watch the tutorial.
Many request for basic PS walk around so here it is
Drawing Wolverine quick BASIC sketch comics style
Drawing Wolverine basic quick sketch comics style. How to draw sketch this video is very basic construction from start to finish how to for mostly beginners and novices from idrawgirls.com