Tutorial: YouTube Background Part 1
The Brushes:
How to make a YouTube background template. Make your background color on your channel black, and make the image not tile. Look out for part two!
Tutorial: Silver Surfer Effect
How to make an effect similar to the Silver Surfer as seen on the fantastic four. I hope this one comes out in HQ, but lately,
my tutorials have been coming out in normal for whatever reason. Oh well.
ADD &fmt=18 at the end of the video link to watch in high quality.
Crystal "Intense" Wallpaper Tutorial
How to make "intense" wallpaper
Sorry, I lagged behind a bit on my tutorial for the week. I updated my channel, though, so its all good. How to make a crystal "intense" wallpaper.
Thanks YouTube! I just hit 500 subscribers!
Almost 10000 channel views as well!
Thanks much!
Add &fmt=18 at the end of the video link to watch in higher quality.
Comment, rate, subscribe.
Gimp Tutorial: Bocah effect
I just got iMovie 09'. I guess this is my new intro until someone can make me a new one. If you could, that would be great.
Rate 5 and Sub!
I can't figure out why this isn't high quality...
It should be.
I actually am aware that I spell it Bokah in the video. My mistake.
Apparently, another person has also translated this tutorial. As you can see, out methods differ. This is proof that I didn't copy.
You can find the alternate one here:
Google Text Tutorial
How to make an emulation of Google's Text. I know I only say certain search engine in the tutorial.. I guess it's too late to worry about getting sued. Besides... Free publicity!
Check out my website at www.gimpknowshow.webs.com
There is a new exclusive tutorial out, how to draw basic vectors.