Ice Button Tutorial with GIMP
How to make an ice button with gimp.
First off, I made this with movie maker, and that makes my program makes my voice sound nasal. (Really badly). If any of you guys have a program that would allow me to put that krownsoft short into the movie before the actuall tut, that would be great. (I tried Vegas, but that file ended up as 8 gigs...)
Here is the link I promised:
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KrownSoft Title (Formerly Lead in to tutorials) V2.
I've gotten better at Vegas, and so I now have made my second lead in...Its WAAAAAAY better.
The logo is for my site:
and will be featured in front of all featured tutorials
Human Torch Effect with GIMP
How to make the Human torch on GIMP. Sorry for the offbeat audio, my audio mic failed, and I really didn't want to do the whole tutorial again. To all people with requests: I'm usually working on them. the request for the lightning ball is tough. I made this tutorial up completely on my own with no outside ideas, just playing around with GIMP.
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