Real English Topical Clip C (50) Maira & Roberta from Brazil
Real English video is divided into 2 main categories:
1 - Lesson videos based on grammar structures
2 - Topical videos based on themes
This is a topical video. The interviewer calls Roberta and Maira "Culture Collectors". Why?
Real English Lesson 35 introduction to Doing + "Got"
35 - What are they doing? - introduction to the present progressive (also called the "present continuous" tense) - for Beginners
Also includes an introduction to "have got".
This is a "CC Double" - A "CC Double" video is composed of two parts:
1 - The regular video, followed by
2 - The same video with subtitles.
Students of English: To improve your pronunciation, watch the version WITHOUT subtitles before reading the subtitled versions! Listen several times before reading.
Real English
Real English Lesson 25 what-do-scottish-think-of-english
What do the Scottish think of the English?
This is just to give pre-intermediate esl students more practice with the present simple verb tense. I had no idea it would be a controversial video when I first filmed and edited it.
Real English Lesson 15 - Can - CC (subtitled)
"What can you do?" with subtitles, for Beginners.
The version WITHOUT subtitles is here:
Students of English: To improve your pronunciation, always study the version WITHOUT subtitles before reading the
subtitled versions!
Real English Lesson 15 - Can (What can you do?)
Regular Version without subtitles of "What can you do?" for Beginners.
This video actually contains 3 separate clips concerning what people CAN and CAN NOT do.
The version WITH subtitles is here: