Inkscape draw spider lesson 1
Creating a simple drawing with the Inkscape tools.
Objectives :
- create a simple drawing
- Group objects
- Arrange objects on a layer
- Create new layers
Tutorial: YouTube Background Part 1
The Brushes:
How to make a YouTube background template. Make your background color on your channel black, and make the image not tile. Look out for part two!
Gimp Tutorial: Bocah effect
I just got iMovie 09'. I guess this is my new intro until someone can make me a new one. If you could, that would be great.
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I can't figure out why this isn't high quality...
It should be.
I actually am aware that I spell it Bokah in the video. My mistake.
Apparently, another person has also translated this tutorial. As you can see, out methods differ. This is proof that I didn't copy.
You can find the alternate one here:
Animated Signature Tutorial in GIMP Part 1
How to make an Animated Signature with gimp
Some credit goes to Xgeous for the cold text, though the border was my idea. The URL for his video is here.
Thanks to everyone who subbed, sent me messages, and commented. Look for part 2!